ABSTRACT: Background: The ketogenic diet for children with refractory epilepsy requires a strict control of the amount of ingested carbohydrates. This can be altered by medication prescribed for the epileptic syndrome or for intercurrent illnesses. The goal of this paper is to compile the carbohydrate and caloric content of commonly used medications in this population. Methods: We compiled a list of frequently used medications with the help of Canadian manufacturers and the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. We also tested a worst case scenario calculation based on the weight of the tablet. Results: We list the carbohydrate and caloric content of 790 medications studied. Our worst case scenario gives an over-estimate in all cases, making adjustments based on this calculation in an emergency setting safe. Conclusion: We propose this list as a tool for physicians, dietitians, nurses and pharmacists. The list can easily be adjusted, based on local practices and reviewed periodically.
RÉSUMÉ: Le contenu en hydrates de carbone et en calories des médicaments concomitants chez les enfants épileptiques suivant la diète cétogène. Introduction: La diète cétogène chez les enfants dont l’épilepsie est résistante au traitement demande un contrôle strict de la quantité d’hydrates de carbone ingérée qui peut être influencée par la médication prescrite pour le syndrome épileptique ou pour une maladie intercurrente. Le but de cet article est de compiler le contenu en hydrates de carbone et en calories de médicaments d’usage courant dans cette population. Méthodes: Nous avons compilé une liste des médicaments d’usage courant avec l’aide de manufacturiers Canadiens et du Compendium des produits et spécialités pharmaceutiques. Nous avons également testé un calcul basé sur le poids du comprimé qui tenait compte de la pire situation possible. Résultats: Nous avons dressé une liste du contenu en hydrates de carbone et en calories de 790 médicaments. Notre calcul selon la pire situation surestime dans tous les cas, ce qui assure la sécurité de l’ajustement basé sur ce calcul en situation d’urgence. Conclusions: Nous proposons cette liste comme outil pour les médecins, les diététistes, les infirmières et les pharmaciens. La liste peut facilement être ajustée selon les pratiques locales et révisée périodiquement. Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 2001; 28: 322-340
The ketogenic diet is a form of treatment used in children, and sometimes adults, with refractory epilepsies or with significant adverse events secondary to the anticonvulsants.1,2 The first report on the diet came in 1911 and it was supported by a second report 10 years later3,4 but the diet became almost obsolete following the release of new medications in the 1940s. Due to the partial efficacy of phenytoin, further efforts to improve the diet were later introduced leading to better compliance and again encouraging results.5 Once again, in the ’70s, the advent of new medications particularly valproic acid, lessened the interest in the diet.6 Over the past 10 years, because of its persistent efficacy in children with refractory and even more benign epilepsies, there has been increasing interest from families, clinicians and researchers to use the diet to a greater extent and to better understand it.6
Although its mechanisms of action are still not understood, THE CANADIAN JOURNALOF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES we now realize that complete or even partial loss of ketosis can impair seizure control.7 Strict compliance with the diet is, therefore, of foremost importance. Some animal models show an increased seizure threshold during treatment with the diet.8 We also know that ketone bodies are present in the blood and are able to cross the blood brain barrier, to serve as the principal source of energy to the brain. However, electrophysiological studies do not indicate that decreased neuronal excitability is mediated by a direct effect of ketone bodies.9 Ketosis is From the Department of Pharmacy (DL, CM, NA) and Pediatrics (ML, LC), Hôpital Ste-Justine, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC Canada RECEIVED DECEMBER 14, 2000. ACCEPTED INFINALFORMJUNE 20, 2001.
Reprint requests to: Lionel Carmant, Hôpital Ste-Justine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neurology, 3175 Côte Ste-Catherine, Montreal, QC, Canada
H3T1C5 established by the activation of fatty acid oxidation, secondary to the lack of carbohydrate reserves induced by the starvation period and maintained by the high lipid/carbohydrate + protein content of the diet. The constituents of the diet are calculated to provide a ratio of lipids/proteins + carbohydrates of 3/1 to 4/1. Carbohydrates can only make up 20% of total calorie intake in a diet already limited on calorie supply, compared to more than 50% in a normal diet.
The diet is usually maintained for a minimum period of two to six months and, if associated with a significant improvement, is pursued for at least two years. During this two-year period, infectious illnesses and other medical problems are common in a population of children with refractory epilepsy often with an associated mental handicap.
Although syrups are usually contra-indicated due to their high carbohydrate content in the form of sucrose, maltose, sorbitol, mannitol, alcohol or starch, the “sugar free” label of drug tablets does not guarantee that ketosis will not be affected. The “sugar free” label is used primarily for diabetics and these tablets may contain sorbitol, a carbohydrate which will not affect glycemia but might affect ketosis in the diet. The carbohydrate content of tablets, including anticonvulsants and other concomitant drugs, can be difficult to manage for the physicians, nurses and pharmacists.
Published material from the US has been reviewed but cannot be used in Canada because the drug formulations are different in the US.10 The goal of this paper is to review the carbohydrate and calorie content of the drugs most commonly used by children to help clinicians evaluate their antiketotic effects.
Between November 1998 and November 1999 we listed all drugs used on the neurology and intensive care wards that are available in liquid form, especially anticonvulsants, antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory medications, laxatives and vitamins.We also reviewed tablet and capsule forms of anticonvulsants, antibiotics, and laxatives.
Their monography was reviewed in the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) and each company was then contacted by mail to complete missing data about the drug’s content of carbohydrates and their derivatives, as well as their calorie content. We sent a total of 894 requests for information.
On 46 drugs we tested a worst case scenario formula to evaluate the maximal carbohydrate content of a tablet or capsule. We measured the weight of 10 tablets, subtracted the amount of active material in these tablets and then divided the result by the number of tablets weighed. We considered this number to represent the maximal carbohydrate content of the pharmaceutical formulation in grams and extrapolated the energy content by multiplying the calculated number by 4 kCalories.
Thanks to the collaboration of most of the pharmaceutical companies, we were able to compile the data published in Table 1. This is, we believe, a useful tool for pharmacists, nurses and physicians involved in the care of these children. The list of drugs can easily be increased based on local practices and reviewed after a few years.
The results of the worst case scenario calculations showed that we never underestimated the content of a tablet or capsule ( Table 2). The tendency is actually to overestimate the carbohydrate content of the drugs. For example, a Biaxin tablet, with 250 mg of active ingredient weighs 0,520g. When we substract the active ingredient, we have 270 mg left. The worst case scenario assumes that all of this weight is made of carbohydrates. When we compare the results of the worst case scenario (1.08 kCal) to the data obtained from the manufacturer (0.210 kCal), we found that the worse case scenario overestimates the caloric content.
Carbohydrates and loss of ketosis. The ingestion of an excessive amount of carbohydrate in the diet stimulates the release of insulin, which stops the release of free fatty acids from the fat deposits, thus depriving the liver of its substrate for the production of ketones.11,12 This could occur when a new medication is prescribed to a child on the ketogenic diet or when drugs are given to this child for an acute illness.
The control of the insulin release by glucose is important for patients on the ketogenic diet. Both a high basal serum glucose level and an elevated peak level can increase the magnitude of subsequent insulin release for several hours.12 This is a possible explanation for the prolonged loss of ketosis seen when patients on the ketogenic diet ingest an excessive amount of carbohydrates.
When this occurs, returning to ketosis may take 24 hours or more, since the insulin response to subsequent carbohydrate or amino acid exposure with the next meals may be greater. This “break” in ketosis often offsets seizure control. A short period (12 to 24 hours) of fasting may be necessary for a quick return to the ketotic state, but seizure control might not be regained.5 Clinicians should select, whenever it is possible, medications that will not affect the ketogenic diet. If a drug with a significant number of calories provided by carbohydrates must be selected, the diet should be adjusted accordingly.
The data that has been published to help the clinician make these decisions are either out of date or compiled in the United States.9 Canadian clinicians now have a tool to help them select a formulation that is less likely to affect the diet. If this list fails to provide information needed by the clinician, the worst case scenario can be used to evaluate the caloric content of a drug. As it always overestimates the caloric content of a drug, we feel the table is safe to use.
Drug-diet interactions
One must also be aware of unfavorable interactions between drugs and the diet. Initially, because of its broad spectrum of efficacy and also because it is a branched chain fatty acid,valproic acid was believed to be able to replace the diet with a lesser requirement of family training and teaching.6 This has not been the case. In fact, a number of significant interactions exist between valproic acid and the diet. One of its metabolites, 2- propylpentanoyl-CoA-(valproyl-CoA) has been implicated in the inhibition of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation.12 Valproic acid may also interfere with beta-oxidation of medium-chain fatty acids.13 This may be due to a direct action of 2-n-propyl-4pentenoic acid.13 Clinically, we have not found valproic acid to Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICALSCIENCES significantly interfere with ketogenesis in children on the diet but valproic acid may increase the risk of side effects in patients on the ketogenic diet.14
In younger children, we recommend the use of the capsule form of divalproex, available in the US under the brand name of Depakote, because it contains far less carbohydrates than the liquid formulation.15 Phenobarbital should be used with caution because serum concentration can increase as much as 100% over the baseline when the diet is started.16 Phenobarbital elimination is slowed down in acidotic state. Other anticonvulsant drugs that can directly affect ketosis include drugs that can reduce insulin release, such as phenytoin,1 7 and acetazolamide with high glucose concentrations.1 8 Other anticonvulsant drugs can increase insulin release like phenobarbital19 and acetazolamide with low glucose concentrations.18
Finally, one needs to be careful when using beta-blocking agents. Beta-blocking agents inhibit fatty acid and gluconeogenetic substrate release and reduce plasma glucagon levels.20 Patients on both beta-blocking agents and a diet low in carbohydrates and protein, or those undergoing fasting, are potentially more susceptible to hypoglycemia with decreased capability of ketogenesis. Beta-blocking agents may also decrease the symptoms of hypoglycemia. We therefore avoid such treatment when possible, especially during early stages of treatment.
In conclusion, we believe the information compiled in the tables represents a useful tool for the professionals involved in ketogenic diet programs. We also want to reinforce the need to be aware of the many possible interactions between drugs (anticonvulsants and others) and the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of ketosis.
1. Freeman JM, Vining EP, Pillas DJ, et al. The efficacy of the ketogenic diet-1998: a prospective evaluation of intervention in 150 children. Pediatrics 1998;102:1358-1363.
2. Barboka CJ. Epilepsy in adults: results of treatment by ketogenic diet in one hundred cases. Arch Neurol Psychiatr 1930;23:904-914.
3. Guelpa G, Marie A. La lutte contre l’épilepsie par la désintoxication et par la rééducation alimentaire. Revue de Thérapie Medico- Chirurgicale 1911;78:8-13.
4. Wilder RM. The effect of ketonemia on the course of epilepsy. Mayo Clin Bull 1921;2:(307);314.
5.Livingston SL. Comprehensive Management of Epilepsy in Infants, Childhood and Adolescence. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. 1972:378-405.
6.Wheless JW. The ketogenic diet: fact or fiction. J Child Neurol 1995;10:419-423.
7.Huttenlocher PR. Ketonemia and seizures: metabolic and anticonvulsant effects of two ketogenic diets in childhood epilepsy.Pediatr Res 1976;10(5):536-540.
8.Bough KJ, Matthews PJ, Eagles DA. A ketogenic diet has different effects upon seizures induced by maximal electroshock and by pentylenetetrazole infusion. Epilepsy Res 2000;38:105-114.
9.Thio LL, Wong M, Yamada KA. Ketone bodies do not directly alter excitatory or inhibitory hippocampal synaptic transmission. Neurology 2000;54:325-331.
10. Feldstein TJ. Carbohydrate and alcohol content of 200 oral liquid medications for use in patients receiving ketogenic diets. Pediatrics 1996;97:506-511.
11. Tallian KB, Nahata MC, Tsao CY. Role of the ketogenic diet with intractable seizures. Ann Pharmacother 1998;32:349-361.
12. McGarry JD. Glucose-fatty acid interactions in health and disease. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67(Suppl):500S-504S.
13. Li J, Norwood DL, Mao LF, Schulz H. Mitochondrial metabolism of valproic acid. Biochemistry 1991;30:388-394.
14. Bjorge SM, Baillie TA. Inhibition of medium-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation in vitro by valproic acid and its unsaturated metabolite, 2-n-propyl-4-pentenoic acid. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1985;132:245-252.
15. Ballaban-Gil K, Callahan C, O’Dell C, et al. Complications of the ketogenic diet. Epilepsia 1998;39:744-748.
16. Kinsman SL, Vining EPG, Quakey SA, Mellitis D, Freeman JM. Efficacy of the ketogenic diet for intractable seizure disorders: review of 58 cases. Epilepsia 1992;33:1132-1136.
17. Kizer JS, Vargas-Gordon M, Brendel K, Bressler R. The in vitro inhibition of insulin secretion by diphenylhydantoin. J Clin Invest 1970;49:1942-1948.
18. Boquist L, Backman AM, Stromberg C. Hyperglycemia produced in mice by administration of acetazolamide and diphenylhydantoin. Eur J Pharmacol 1980;64:325-332.
19. Venkatesan N, Davidson MB, Simsolo RB, Kern PA. Phenobarbital treatment enhances insulin-mediated glucose metabolism and improves lipid metabolism in the diabetic rat. Metabolism 1994;43:348-356.
20. Karam JH. Reversible insulin resistance in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Horm Metab Res 1996;28:440-444. LE JOURNAL CANADIEN DES SCIENCES NEUROLOGIQUES
Table 1: Caloric content of drugs, listed by generic names
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
5-aminosalicylic acid, 250 mg / Tablet Pentasa (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,00 Nd
5-aminosalicylic acid, 500 mg / Tablet Pentasa (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,00 Nd
Acebutolol HCl, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Acebutol (Novopharm) 0,360 0,375
Acebutolol HCl, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Acebutol (Novopharm) 0,720 0,749
Acebutolol HCl, 400 mg / Tablet Novo-Acebutol (Novopharm) 0,025 0,066
Acetaminophen, 16 mg/ml / Liquid Tempra (Mead Johnson) Nd 1,78
Acetaminophen, 16 mg/ml / Liquid Atasol (Carter Horner) 1,44 2,40
Acetaminophen, 16 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-acetaminophen (Pharmascience) 1,7 Nd
Acetaminophen, 160 mg / Chewable tablet Tylenol (McNeil) Nd 2,5
Acetaminophen, 160 mg / Chewable tablet Tylenol sans sucrose (McNeil) Nd 2,0
Acetaminophen, 32 mg/ml / Liquid Tempra (Mead Johnson) Nd 1,78
Acetaminophen, 32 mg/ml / Liquid Tylenol elixir (McNeil) Nd 1,76
Acetaminophen, 32 mg/ml / Liquid Tylenol suspension liquid (grape) (McNeil) Nd 2,22
Acetaminophen, 32 mg/ml / Liquid Tylenol suspension liquid (bubblegum) (McNeil) Nd 2,40
Acetaminophen, 32 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-acetaminophen (Pharmascience) 1,7 Nd
Acetaminophen, 325 mg / Tablet Tylenol (McNeil) Nd 0,2
Acetaminophen, 325 mg / Tablet Novo-Gesic (Novopharm) 0,039 Nd
Acetaminophen, 500 mg / Tablet Tylenol (McNeil) Nd 0,3
Acetaminophen, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Gesic (Novopharm) 0,062 Nd
Acetaminophen, 80 mg / Chewable tablet Tylenol (McNeil) Nd 1,2
Acetaminophen, 80 mg / Chewable tablet Tylenol sans sucrose (McNeil) Nd 1
Acetaminophen, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Tempra (Mead Johnson) Nd 1,40
Acetaminophen, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Tylenol drops (McNeil) Nd 0,98
Acetaminophen, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Tylenol suspension liquid (McNeil) Nd 2,10
Acetaminophen, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-acetaminophen (Pharmascience) 0,36 Nd
Acetaminophen, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Atasol drops (Carter Horner) 1,79 2,40
Acetaminophen-caffeine-codeine phosphate
(C15), 300 mg-15 mg-15 mg / Tablet Novo-Gesic C15 (Novopharm) 0,148 0,188
Acetaminophen-caffeine-codeine phosphate
(C30), 300 mg-15 mg-30 mg / Tablet Novo-Gesic C30 (Novopharm) 0,154 0,195
Acetaminophen-caffeine-codeine phosphate
(C8), 300 mg-15 mg-8 mg / Tablet Novo-Gesic C8 (Novopharm) 0,145 0,184
Acetazolamide, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Acetazolamide (Apotex) Nd 0,79
Acetazolamide, 250 mg / Tablet Diamox (Berlex) Nd 1,0
Acetazolamide, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Zolamide (Novopharm) 0,100 0,143
Acetylsalicylic acid, 325 mg / Tablet Novasen Novasen SP.C. (Novopharm) 0,239 Nd
Acetylsalicylic acid, 650 mg / Tablet Novasen Novasen SP.C. (Novopharm) 0,479 Nd
Acyclovir, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Zovirax (Glaxo Wellcome) 1,26 2,62
Alfacalcidol, 0,2 mcg/ml / Liquid One-Alpha (Leo Pharma) 2,63 Nd
Alfacalcidol, 0,25 mcg / Capsule One-Alpha (Leo Pharma) 1,15 Nd
Alfacalcidol, 1 mcg / Capsule One-Alpha (Leo Pharma) 1,15 Nd
Allopurinol, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Purol (Novopharm) 0,458 0,484
Allopurinol, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Purol (Novopharm) 0,057 0,084
Allopurinol, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Purol (Novopharm) 0,346 0,395
Alprazolam, 0,25 mg / Tablet Novo-Alprazol (Novopharm) 0,416 0,450
Alprazolam, 0,50 mg / Tablet Novo-Alprazol (Novopharm) 0,413 0,482
Aluminium + magnesium hydroxyde, 45 mg + 40 mg / Liquid Maalox (Novartis Pharma) Nd 0,04
Aluminium + magnesium hydroxyde, / Liquid Almagel (Atlas laboratories) 0,20 Nd
Aluminium hydroxyde, 64 mg/ml / Liquid Amphogel (Axcan Pharma) Nd 0,60
Amantadin, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Symmetrel (Du Pont Pharma) 2,58 Nd
Amiloride HCl/Hydrochlorothiazide, 5/50 mg / Tablet Novamilor (Novopharm) 0,401 0,412
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 325
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Aminocaproic acid, 250 mg/ml / Liquid Amicar (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 2,40
Amitriptylin, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Triptyn (Novopharm) 0,039 0,065
Amitriptylin, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Triptyn (Novopharm) 0,046 0,063
Amitriptylin, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Elavil (Merck Sharp & Dohme) 2,63 Nd
Amitriptylin, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Triptyn (Novopharm) 0,082 0,138
Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, 50 + 12,5 mg/ml / Liquid Clavulin (Smithkline Beecham Pharma) 0,18 Nd
Amoxicillin + potassium clavulanate, 25+6,25 mg/ml / Liquid Clavulin (SmithKline Beecham Pharma) 0,18 Nd
Amoxicillin + potassium clavulanate, 250 mg + 125 mg / Tablet Clavulin (SmithKline Beecham Pharma) 1,20 Nd
Amoxicillin + clavulanate de potassium, 500 mg + 125 mg / Tab Clavulin (SmithKline Beecham Pharma) 1,80 Nd
Amoxicillin, 125 mg / Chewable tablet Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,50
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,40
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-Amoxi hypoglucidic (Apotex) Nd 0,026
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novamoxin hypoglucidic (Novopharm) 0,48 Nd
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-amoxi (Nu-Pharm) 1,78 Nd
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-amoxi (Apotex) 1,79 Nd
Amoxicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novamoxin (Novopharm) 2,27 Nd
Amoxicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,20
Amoxicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Amoxi (Apotex) Nd 0,21
Amoxicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Nu-Amoxi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,21
Amoxicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Novamoxin (Novopharm) 0,082 0,126
Amoxicillin, 250 mg / Chewable tablet Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 1,0
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,32
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-Amoxi hypoglucidic (Apotex) Nd 0,026
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Novamoxin hypoglucidic (Novopharm) 0,41 Nd
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-amoxi (Apotex) 1,78 Nd
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-amoxi (Nu-Pharm) 1,78 Nd
Amoxicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Novamoxin (Novopharm) 2,14 Nd
Amoxicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Amoxil (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,40
Amoxicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Apo-Amoxi (Apotex) Nd 0,36
Amoxicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Nu-Amoxi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,36
Amoxicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Novamoxin (Novopharm) 0,164 0,245
Ampicillin, 100 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Ampicillin (Novopharm) 1,87 1,87
Ampicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-ampi (Apotex) Nd 1,82
Ampicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-ampi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 1,82
Ampicillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Ampicillin (Novopharm) 2,27 2,27
Ampicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Ampi (Apotex) Nd 0,22
Ampicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Nu-Ampi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,22
Ampicillin, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Ampicillin (Novopharm) 0,104 0,148
Ampicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-ampi (Apotex) Nd 1,70
Ampicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-ampi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 1,70
Ampicillin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Ampicillin (Novopharm) 2,16 2,16
Ampicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Apo-Ampi (Apotex) Nd 0,39
Ampicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Nu-Ampi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,39
Ampicillin, 500 mg / Capsule Novo-Ampicillin (Novopharm) 0,078 0,155
ASA-Caffeine-Codeine phosphate, 1 tablet / Tablet Novo A.C. & C. (Novopharm) 0,067 0,067
Atenolol, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Atenol (Novopharm) 0,188 0,222
Atenolol, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Atenol (Novopharm) 0,094 0,111
Azithromycin, 1000 mg / Powder Zithromax (Pfizer) 38,828 Nd
Azithromycin, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Zithromax (Pfizer) 3,15 Nd
Azithromycin, 250 mg / Capsule Zithromax (Pfizer) 0,928 Nd
Azithromycin, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Zithromax (Pfizer) 3,16 Nd
Azithromycin, 600 mg / Tablet Zithromax (Pfizer) 0,348 Nd
Bacampicillin, chlorhydrate, 400 mg / Tablet Penglobe (Astra Pharma) Nd 0,10
Bacampicillin, chlorhydrate, 800 mg / Tablet Penglobe (Astra Pharma) Nd 0,20
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Baclofen, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Baclofen (Novopharm) 0,132 0,156
Benzydamine, 0,15 % / Liquid Novo-Benzydamine (Novopharm) 0,808 Nd
Bisacodyl, 5 mg / Dragee Dulcolax (Boehringer Ingelheim) Nd 0,26
Bisacodyl, 5 mg / Tablet Apo-Bisacodyl (Apotex) Nd 0,48
Bisacodyl, 5 mg / Tablet Soflax EX (Pharmascience) 0,12 Nd
Bismuth subsalicylate, 17,6 mg/ml / Liquid Pepto-bismol (Procter & Gamble) 1,00 Nd
Bromazepam, 3 mg / Tablet Novo-Bromazepam (Novopharm) 0,400 0,417
Bumetanide, 1 mg / Tablet Burinex (Leo Pharma) 0,61 Nd
Bumetanide, 2 mg / Tablet Burinex (Leo Pharma) 0,74 Nd
Bumetanide, 5 mg / Tablet Burinex (Leo Pharma) 1,17 Nd
Buspirone, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Buspirone (Novopharm) 0,487 0,499
Calcitriol, 1 mcg/ml / Liquid Rocaltrol (Hoffman-La Roche) 8,60 Nd
Calcium gluconate + glucoheptonate, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Calcium Stanley (Stanley Pharmaceuticals) Nd 0,04
Calcium lactobionate, / Liquid Calcium-Sandoz (Sandoz) Nd 1,35
Calcium, 500 mg Ca elem. / Capsule Calsan (Novartis Sante Familiale) Nd 5,85
Captopril, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Captopril (Novopharm) 0,311 0,329
Captopril, 12,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Captopril (Novopharm) 0,039 0,041
Captopril, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Captopril (Novopharm) 0,078 0,082
Captopril, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Captopril (Novopharm) 0,156 0,165
Carbamazepine, 100 mg / Chewable tablet Tegretol (Novartis Pharma) Nd 1,08
Carbamazepine, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Tegretol (Novartis Pharma) Nd 1,79
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Tablet Apo-Carbamazepine (Apotex) Nd 0,35
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Tablet Nu-Carbamazepine (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,35
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Controled release tablet Tegretol CR (Novartis Pharma) Nd 0
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Tablet Tegretol (Novartis Pharma) 0,00 Nd
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Carbamaz (Novopharm) 0,031 0,048
Carbamazepine, 200 mg / Controled release tablet Tegretol (Novartis Pharma) Nd 2,12
Carbamazepine, 400 mg / Controled release tablet Tegretol CR (Novartis Pharma) Nd 0
Carnitine, 100 mg/ml / Liquid Carnitor (Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals) 0,20 Nd
Cefaclor, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Ceclor (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,52
Cefaclor, 250 mg / Capsule Pms-Cefaclor (Pharmascience) 0,14 Nd
Cefaclor, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Cefaclor (Apotex) 0,28 Nd
Cefaclor, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Ceclor (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,42
Cefaclor, 500 mg / Capsule Pms-Cefaclor (Pharmascience) 0,28 Nd
Cefaclor, 500 mg / Capsule Apo-Cefaclor (Apotex) 0,317 Nd
Cefaclor, 75 mg/ml / Liquid Ceclor (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,24
Cefixime, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Suprax (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 2,22 Nd
Cefixime, 400 mg / Tablet Suprax (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0,396 Nd
Cefprozil, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Cefzil (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Nd 1,50
Cefprozil, 250 mg / Tablet Cefzil (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,064 Nd
Cefprozil, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Cefzil (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Nd 1,30
Cefprozil, 500 mg / Tablet Cefzil (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,128 Nd
Cefuroxime axetil, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Ceftin (Glaxo Wellcome) 2,45 2,59
Cefuroxime axetil, 250 mg / Tablet Ceftin (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,00 Nd
Cefuroxime axetil, 500 mg / Tablet Ceftin (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,00 Nd
Cephalexin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Keflex (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,48
Cephalexin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 2,32 2,32
Cephalexin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-cephalexin (Pharmascience) 2,48 Nd
Cephalexin, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 0,044 0,109
Cephalexin, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Cephalex (Apotex) Nd 0,51
Cephalexin, 250 mg / Tablet Nu-Cephalex (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,51
Cephalexin, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 0,075 0,104
Cephalexin, 250 mg / Tablet Pms-cephalexin (Pharmascience) 0,51 Nd
Cephalexin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Keflex (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,42
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 327
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Cephalexin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 2,23 2,23
Cephalexin, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-cephalexin (Pharmascience) 2,42 Nd
Cephalexin, 500 mg / Capsule Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 0,088 0,211
Cephalexin, 500 mg / Tablet Apo-Cephalex (Apotex) Nd 1,02
Cephalexin, 500 mg / Tablet Nu-Cephalex (Nu-Pharm) Nd 1,02
Cephalexin, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Lexin (Novopharm) 0,150 0,213
Cephalexin, 500 mg / Tablet Pms-cephalexin (Pharmascience) 1,02 Nd
Chloral hydrate, 100 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-chloralhydrate (Pharmascience) 2,0 Nd
Chloral hydrate, 500 mg / Capsule Novo-Chlorhydrate (Novopharm) 0,00 0,060
Chloramphenicol, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Chlorocap (Novopharm) 0,863 0,932
Chlordiazepoxide, 10 mg / Capsule Novo-Poxide SP.C. (Novopharm) 0,465 0,476
Chlordiazepoxide, 25 mg / Capsule Novo-Poxide (Novopharm) 0,416 0,426
Chlordiazepoxide, 5 mg / Capsule Novo-Poxide (Novopharm) 0,482 0,492
Chloroquine, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Chloroquine (Novopharm) 0,824 0,988
Chlorpheniramine, 4 mg / Tablet Novo-pheniram (Novopharm) 0,032 0,051
Chlorpromazine, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Largactil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 2,86 Nd
Chlorpromazine, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Largactil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 3,04 Nd
Chlorpromazine, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Chlorpromazine (Novopharm) 0,064 0,094
Chlorpromazine, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Chlorpromazine (Novopharm) 0,216 0,243
Chlorpromazine, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Chlorpromanyl (Technilab) Nd 3,40
Chlorpromazine, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Chlorpromazine (Novopharm) 0,479 0,568
Chlorpromazine, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Chlorpromazine (Novopharm) 0,124 0,139
Chlorpromazine, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Chlorpromanyl (Technilab) Nd 3,60
Chlorpromazine, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Largactil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0,78 Nd
Chlorpromazine, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Chlorpromazine (Novopharm) 0,114 0,132
Chlorpropamide, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Propamide (Novopharm) 0,933 0,978
Chlorthalidone, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Thalidone (Novopharm) 0,037 0,049
Chlorthalidone, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Thalidone (Novopharm) 0,037 0,049
Cholestyramine, 4 g/dose / Powder Novo-Cholamine Light (Novopharm) 0,00 0,00
Cholestyramine, 4 g/dose / Powder Novo-Cholamine (Novopharm) 16,09 16,09
Cimetidine, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Cimetidine (Novopharm) 0,053 0,075
Cimetidine, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Cimetidine (Novopharm) 0,059 0,093
Cimetidine, 400 mg / Tablet Novo-Cimetidine (Novopharm) 0,106 0,150
Cimetidine, 600 mg / Tablet Novo-Cimetidine (Novopharm) 0,159 0,226
Cimetidine, 800 mg / Tablet Novo-Cimetidine (Novopharm) 0,211 0,301
Ciprofloxacin, 250 mg / Tablet Cipro (Bayer) 0,171 Nd
Ciprofloxacin, 500 mg / Tablet Cipro (Bayer) 0,333 Nd
Ciprofloxacin, chlorhydrate, 100 mg/ml / Liquid Cipro (Bayer) 6,40 Nd
Cisapride, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Prepulsid (Jansen-Ortho) 0,80 Nd
Clarithromycin, 250 mg / Tablet Biaxin (Abbott Laboratories) 0,21 Nd
Clarithromycin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Biaxin pediatric (Abbott Laboratories) 2,35 Nd
Clarithromycin, 500 mg / Tablet Biaxin (Abbott Laboratories) 0,00 Nd
Clindamycin, palmitate, 15 mg/ml / Liquid Dalacin C (Pharmacia & Upjohn) Nd 1,20
Clobazam, 10 mg / Tablet Frisium (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,398 Nd
Clomipramine HCl, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Clopamine (Novopharm) 0,209 0,212
Clomipramine HCl, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Clopamine (Novopharm) 0,00 0,003
Clomipramine HCl, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Clopamine (Novopharm) 0,00 0,009
Clonazepam, 0,25 mg / Tablet Pms-Clonazepam (Pharmascience) 0,26 Nd
Clonazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Rivotril (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,6
Clonazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Pms-Clonazepam (Pharmascience) 0,13 Nd
Clonazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Apo-Clonazepam (Apotex) 0,48 Nd
Clonazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Clonapam (ICN) 0,72 Nd
Clonazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Rho-Clonazepam (Rhodiapharm) 0,72 Nd
Clonazepam, 1 mg / Tablet Pms-Clonazepam (Pharmascience) 0,26 Nd
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Clonazepam, 1,0 mg / Tablet Clonapam (ICN) 0,725 Nd
Clonazepam, 1,0 mg / Tablet Rho-Clonazepam (Rhodiapharm) 0,725 Nd
Clonazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Rivotril (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,6
Clonazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Pms-Clonazepam (Pharmascience) 0,54 Nd
Clonazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Rho-Clonazepam (Rhodiapharm) 0.722 Nd
Clonazepam, 2,0 mg / Tablet Apo-Clonazepam (Apotex) 0,4 Nd
Clonazepam, 2,0 mg / Tablet Clonapam (ICN) 0,722 Nd
Clonidin, 0,1 mg / Tablet Novo-Clonidine (Novopharm) 0,418 0,431
Clonidin, 0,2 mg / Tablet Novo-Clonidine (Novopharm) 0,796 0,822
Clorazepate, 15 mg / Capsule Novo-Clopate (Novopharm) 0,601 0,632
Clorazepate, 3,75 mg / Capsule Novo-Clopate (Novopharm) 0,475 0,499
Clorazepate, 7,5 mg / Capsule Novo-Clopate (Novopharm) 0,463 0,487
Cloxacillin sodium, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Cloxi (Apotex) Nd 0,20
Cloxacillin sodium, 250 mg / Capsule Nu-Cloxi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,21
Cloxacillin sodium, 500 mg / Capsule Apo-Cloxi (Apotex) Nd 0,33
Cloxacillin sodium, 500 mg / Capsule Nu-Cloxi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,33
Cloxacillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-Cloxi (Apotex) Nd 1,79
Cloxacillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-Cloxi (Nu-Pharm) Nd 1,79
Cloxacillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Orbenine (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 2,00
Cloxacillin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Cloxin (Novopharm) 1,80 1,80
Cloxacillin, 250 mg / Capsule Orbenine (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,44
Cloxacillin, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Cloxin (Novopharm) 0,139 0,210
Cloxacillin, 500 mg / Capsule Orbenine (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,30
Cloxacillin, 500 mg / Capsule Novo-Cloxin (Novopharm) 0,00 0,123
Codeine, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Codeine phosphate (Rougier) Nd 3,33
Cyclobenzaprine HCl, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Cycloprine (Novopharm) 0,533 0,542
Cyclosporine, 100 mg/ml / Liquid Neoral (Sandoz) 7,00 Nd
Cyproheptadine, 0,4 mg/ml / Liquid Periactin (Johnson & Johnson Merck) 1,80 Nd
Dapsone, 100 mg / Tablet Avlosulfon (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,12
Demeclocycline, chlorhydrate, 150 mg / Tablet Declomycin (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 1,0
Demeclocycline, chlorhydrate, 300 mg / Tablet Declomycin (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 1,0
Desipramine HCl, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Desipramine (Novopharm) 0,003 0,005
Desipramine HCl, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Desipramine (Novopharm) 0,007 0,012
Desipramine HCl, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Desipramine (Novopharm) 0,010 0,019
Desipramine HCl, 75 mg / Tablet Novo-Desipramine (Novopharm) 0,010 0,018
Desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol, 0,5 mg / Tablet Marvelon (Organon.) 0,281 Nd
Desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol, 1 mg / Capsule Marvelon (Organon.) 0,281 Nd
Desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol, 2 mg / Capsule Marvelon (Organon.) 0,281 Nd
Dexamethasone, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-dexamethasone (Pharmascience) 0,64 Nd
Dexamethasone, 4 mg / Tablet Dexasone (ICN) 0,591 Nd
Dexamethasone, 500 mg / Tablet Dexasone (ICN) 0,591 Nd
Dexamethasone, 750 mg / Tablet Dexasone (ICN) 0,589 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate
Sugar free, 3 mg/ml / Liquid Balminil DM (Rougier) 1,40 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate – pseudoephedrine – guaifenesin,
3 mg-6 mg-20 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistex DM Expt Dcgt (Hoechst Marion Roussel)2,60 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate – pseudoephedrine,
1,5 mg-3 mg/ml / Liquid Novahistine DM Dcgt (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 3,00 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate – pseudoephedrine,
3 mg-6 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistex DM Dcgt (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 2,40 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate, 3 mg/ml / Liquid Balminil DM (Rougier) 2,40 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate, 3 mg/ml / Liquid Novahistex DM (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 2,40 Nd
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate de – pseudoephedrine –
guaifenesin, 1,5 mg-3 mg-10 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistine DM Expt Dcgt (Hoechst Marion Roussel)2,44 Nd
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Dextrometorphan, bromhydrate, 1,5 mg/ml / Liquid Novahistine DM (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 3,00 Nd
Diazepam, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-diazepam (Pharmascience) 1,38 Nd
Diazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Apo-Diazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,59
Diazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Valium Roche Oral (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,7
Diazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Apo-Diazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,62
Diazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Vivol (Carter Horner) Nd 0,4
Diazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipam (Novopharm) 0,710 0,744
Diazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Apo-Diazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,61
Diazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Valium Roche Oral (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,7
Diazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipam (Novopharm) 0,695 0,712
Diclofenac, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Difenac SR (Novopharm) 0,878 0,900
Diclofenac, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Difenac (Novopharm) 0,129 0,135
Diclofenac, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Difenac (Novopharm) 0,109 0,116
Diclofenac, 75 mg / Tablet Novo-Difenac SR (Novopharm) 0,658 0,675
Dicyclomine, 10 mg / Tablet Bentylol (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,369 Nd
Dicyclomine, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Bentylol (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 4,00 Nd
Dicyclomine, 20 mg / Tablet Bentylol (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,369 Nd
Diflunisal, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Diflunisal (Novopharm) 0,125 0,155
Diflunisal, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Diflunisal (Novopharm) 0,250 0,311
Digoxin, 0,05 mg/ml / Liquid Lanoxin (Glaxo Wellcome) 1,93 2,30
Diltiazem, 120 mg / Tablet Novo-Diltazem SR (Novopharm) 0,00 0,00
Diltiazem, 30 mg / Tablet Novo-Diltazem (Novopharm) 0,623 0,641
Diltiazem, 60 mg / Tablet Novo-Diltazem SR (Novopharm) 0,00 0,00
Diltiazem, 60 mg / Tablet Novo-Diltazem (Novopharm) 1,246 1,282
Diltiazem, 90 mg / Tablet Novo-Diltazem SR (Novopharm) 0,00 0,00
Dimenhydrinate, 15 mg / Tablet Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 0,20
Dimenhydrinate, 15 mg / Chewable tablet Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 1,40
Dimenhydrinate, 25 mg / Tablet Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 0,30
Dimenhydrinate, 25 mg immediate + 50 mg slow release/Capsule Gravol (Carter Horner) 1,20
Dimenhydrinate, 3 mg/ml / Liquid Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 2,94
Dimenhydrinate, 3 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-dimenhydrinate (Pharmascience) 1,5 Nd
Dimenhydrinate, 50 mg / Tablet Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 1,40
Dimenhydrinate, 50 mg / Chewable tablet Gravol (Carter Horner) Nd 2,60
Diphenhydramine, 2,5 mg/ml / Liquid Benadryl elixir (Wa r n e r- L a m b e r t ) Nd 2,04
Diphenhydramine, 2,5 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-diphenydramine (Pharmascience) 1,7 Nd
Diphenhydramine, 6,25 mg/ml / Liquid Benadryl (Warner-Lambert) Nd 1,57
Dipyridamole, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipiradol (Novopharm) 0,088 0,479
Dipyridamole, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipiradol (Novopharm) 0,022 0,153
Dipyridamole, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipiradol (Novopharm) 0,044 0,293
Dipyridamole, 75 mg / Tablet Novo-Dipiradol (Novopharm) 0,066 0,379
Divalproex sodium, 125 mg / Tablet Epival (Abbot) 0,08 Nd
Divalproex sodium, 250 mg / Tablet Epival (Abbot) 0,17 Nd
Divalproex sodium, 500 mg / Tablet Epival (Abbot) 0,33 Nd
Docusate calcium, 240 mg / Capsule Surfak (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,555 Nd
Docusate, calcium, 240 mg / Capsule Pms-Docusate Calcium (Pharmascience) 1,00 Nd
Docusate, calcium, 240 mg / Capsule Soflax C (Pharmascience) 1,00 Nd
Docusa, sodium + casanthranol, 100 mg + 30 mg / Capsule Peri-Colace (Roberts Pharmaceutical) 1,00 Nd
Docusate, sodium + sennosides, 50 mg + 8,6 mg / Tablet Senokot-S (Purdue Frederick) Nd 0,11
Docusate, sodium, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Colace (Roberts Pharmaceutical) Nd 2,40
Docusate, sodium, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-docusate sodium (Pharmascience) 1,7 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 100 mg / Capsule Pms-docusate sodium (Pharmascience) 0,51 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 100 mg / Capsule Soflax (Pharmascience) 0,51 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 100 mg / Capsule Colace (Roberts Pharmaceutical) 1,00 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 200 mg / Capsule Soflax (Pharmascience) 0,51 Nd
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Docusate, sodium, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Docusate de sodium (Technilab) Nd 2,78
Docusate, sodium, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Docusate Sodic (Taro Pharmaceuticals) Nd 2,40
Docusate, sodium, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-docusate sodium (Pharmascience) 1,7 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Colace (Roberts Pharmaceutical) 2,40 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Docusate sodium syrup (Altas Laboratories) 2,40 Nd
Docusate, sodium, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-docusate sodium (Pharmascience) 1,05 Nd
Doxepin HCl, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxepine (Novopharm) 0,772 0,819
Doxepin HCl, 150 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxepine (Novopharm) 0,923 0,990
Doxepin HCl, 25 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxepine (Novopharm) 0,428 0,452
Doxepin HCl, 50 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxepine (Novopharm) 0,694 0,735
Doxepin HCl, 75 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxepine (Novopharm) 0,568 0,608
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Capsule Apo-Doxy (Apotex) Nd 0,74
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Capsule Nu-Doxycycline (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,74
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Doxylin (Novopharm) 0,022 0,052
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Capsule Vibramycin (Pfizer) 0,956 Nd
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Tablet Apo-Doxy (Apotex) Nd 0,44
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Tablet Nu-Doxycycline (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,44
Doxycycline, hyclate, 100 mg / Tablet Vibra-Tabs (Pfizer) 0,516 Nd
Erythromycin base, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Erythrocin (Abbot) Nd 1,96
Erythromycin base, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Erythro E.C. (Apotex) Nd 0,20
Erythromycin base, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Rythro Encap (Novopharm) 0,198 Nd
Erythromycin base, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Erythro Base (Apotex) Nd 1,34
Erythromycin base, 250 mg / Tablet Erythromid (Abbott Laboratories) 0,00 Nd
Erythromycin base, 333 mg / Capsule Eryc (Parke-Davis) Nd 0,13
Erythromycin base, 333 mg / Capsule Apo-Erythro E.C. (Apotex) 0,473 Nd
Erythromycin base, 333 mg / Tablet PCE (Laboratoires Abbott Laboratories) 0,64 Nd
Erythromycin base, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Erythrocin (Abbot) Nd 1,84
Erythromycin base, 500 mg / Tablet Erybid (Abbott Laboratories) 0,00 Nd
Erythromycin, estolate, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Ilosone (Eli Lilly) Nd 1,8
Erythromycin, estolate, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Ilosone (Eli Lilly) Nd 1,42
Erythromycin, estolate, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-rythro estolate (Novopharm) 1,37 1,37
Erythromycin, estolate, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Rythro Estolate (Novopharm) 0,266 0,330
Erythromycin, estolate, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-rythro estolate (Novopharm) 1,37 1,37
Erythromycin, stearate, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Erythrocin (Abbott Laboratories) Nd 1,96
Erythromycin, stearate, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Erythro S (Apotex) Nd 0,87
Erythromycin, stearate, 250 mg / Tablet Nu-Erythromycin-S (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,87
Erythromycin, stearate, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Rythro Stearate (Novopharm) 0,185 1,846
Erythromycin, stearate, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Erythrocin (Abbott Laboratories) Nd 1,84
Erythromycin, stearate, 500 mg / Tablet Apo-Erythro S (Apotex) Nd 1,73
Erythromycin, succinate, 40 mg/ml / Liquid EES 200 (Abbott Laboratories) 2,63 Nd
Erythromycin, succinate, 600 mg / Tablet Apo-Erythro-ES (Apotex) Nd 1,39
Erythromycin, succinate, 600 mg / Tablet EES 600 (Abbott Laboratories) 0,17 Nd
Erythromycin, succinate, 80 mg/ml / Liquid EES 400 (Abbott Laboratories) 2,43 Nd
Erythromycin, succinate, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-rythro ethyl succinate (Novopharm) 1,96 1,96
Erythromycin, succinate, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-rythro ethyl succinate (Novopharm) 1,76 1,76
Erythromycine-sulfisoxazole, 40-120 mg/ml / Liquid Pediazole (Abbot) Nd 1,50
Ethosuximide, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Zarontin (Parke-Davis) Nd 3,00
Famotidine, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Famotidine (Novopharm) 0,066 0,075
Famotidine, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Famotidine (Novopharm) 0,132 0,149
Famotidine, 40 mg / Tablet Novo-Famotidine (Novopharm) 0,132 0,149
Fenofibrate, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Fenofibrate (Novopharm) 0,554 0,566
Ferrous sulfate, 15 mg(element. iron)/ml / Liquid Pms-ferrous sulfate (Pharmascience) 2,71 Nd
Ferrous sulfate, 15 mg(element. iron)/ml / Liquid Fer-In-Sol (Mead Johnson) 2,76 Nd
Ferrous sulfate, 300 mg / Tablet Apo-sulfate ferreux (Apotex) Nd 0,30
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 331
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Ferrous sulfate, 300 mg / Tablet Pms-sulfate ferreux (Pharmascience) 0,57 Nd
Ferrous sulfate, 6 mg(element. iron)/ml / Liquid Pms-ferrous sulfate (Pharmascience) 1,22 Nd
Ferrous sulfate, 6 mg(element. iron)/ml / Liquid Fer-In-Sol (Mead Johnson) 5,00 Nd
Fluconazole, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Diflucan (Pfizer) 2,72 Nd
Flunarizine HCl, 5 mg / Capsule Novo-Flunarizine (Novopharm) 0,576 0,583
Fluorure sodium, 5,56 mg/ml / Liquid Fluor-A-Day (Pharmascience) 0 Nd
Fluoxetine, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Prozac (Eli Lilly) Nd 2,40
Fluoxetine, 10 mg / Capsule Novo-Fluoxetine (Novopharm) 0,730 0,747
Fluoxetine, 20 mg / Capsule Novo-Fluoxetine (Novopharm) 0,694 0,710
Fluoxetine, 4 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-fluoxetine (Apotex) 3,64 Nd
Fluphenazine, 0,5 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-fluphenazine (Pharmascience) 2,39 Nd
Flurazepam, 15 mg / Capsule Novo-Flupam / Novo-Flupam SP.C. (Novopharm) 1,193 1,236
Flurazepam, 30 mg / Capsule Novo-Flupam / Novo-Flupam SP.C. (Novopharm) 1,060 1,103
Flurbiprofen, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurprofen (Novopharm) 0,368 0,401
Flurbiprofen, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurprofen (Novopharm) 0,299 0,322
Flutamide, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Flutamide (Novopharm) 1,249 1,311
Furosemide, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Lasix (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,913 Nd
Furosemide, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Semide (Novopharm) 0,179 0,187
Furosemide, 20 mg / Tablet Lasix (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,211 Nd
Furosemide, 40 mg / Tablet Novo-Semide (Novopharm) 0,360 0,377
Furosemide, 40 mg / Tablet Lasix (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,420 Nd
Furosemide, 500 mg / Tablet Lasix special (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,466 Nd
Furosemide, 80 mg / Tablet Novo-Semide (Novopharm) 0,719 0,751
Furosemide, 80 mg / Tablet Lasix (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,840 Nd
Fusidic acid, 250 mg / Tablet Fucidin (Leo Pharma) Nd 0,29
Fusidic acid, 49,2 mg/ ml / Liquid Fucidin (Leo Pharma) Nd 0,37
Fusidic acid, 50 mg/ ml / Liquid Fucidin (Leo Pharma) Nd 0,78
Gemfibrozil, 300 mg / Capsule Novo-Gemfibrozil (Novopharm) 0,546 0,568
Gemfibrozil, 600 mg / Capsule Novo-Gemfibrozil (Novopharm) 0,205 0,259
Glyburide, 2,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Glyburide (Novopharm) 0,052 0,055
Glyburide, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Glyburide (Novopharm) 0,103 0,110
Grepafloxacin, chlorhydrate, 200 mg / Tablet Raxar (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,00 Nd
Guaifenesine, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Balminil E (Rougier) Nd 1,60
Guaifenesin, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Balminil E sugar free (Rougier) Nd 1,62
Haloperidol, 0,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,025 0,041
Haloperidol, 1 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,025 0,041
Haloperidol, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,050 0,082
Haloperidol, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,025 0,041
Haloperidol, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-haloperidol (Apotex) Nd 0,01
Haloperidol, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-peridol (Novopharm) 0,00 0,00
Haloperidol, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-haloperidol (Pharmascience) 0,00 0,00
Haloperidol, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,050 0,082
Haloperidol, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Peridol (Novopharm) 0,025 0,041
Hydralazine HCl, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Hylazin (Novopharm) 0,292 0,301
Hydralazine, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Hylazin (Novopharm) 0,182 0,189
Hydralazine, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Hylazin (Novopharm) 0,100 0,106
Hydrochlorothiazide, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Hydrazide (Novopharm) 0,238 0,247
Hydrochlorothiazide, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Hydrazide (Novopharm) 0,477 0,495
Hydrochlorothiazide/methyldopa, 250/15 mg / Tablet Novo-Doparil-15 (Novopharm) 0,168 0,211
Hydrochlorothiazide/methyldopa, 250/25 mg / Tablet Novo-Doparil-25 (Novopharm) 0,135 0,178
Hydromorphone HCl, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Dilaudid (Knoll) Nd 2,00
Hydromorphone HCl, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-hydromorphone (Pharmascience) 1,09 Nd
Hydroxyzine, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Atarax (Pfizer) Nd 3,20
Hydroxyzin, 10 mg / Capsule Apo-Hydroxyzine (Apotex) Nd 0,47
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Hydroxyzine, 10 mg / Capsule Novo-Hydroxyzin (Novopharm) 0,00 1,40
Hydroxyzine, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-hydroxyzine (Pharmascience) 2,37 Nd
Hydroxyzine, 25 mg / Capsule Apo-Hydroxyzine (Apotex) Nd 0,44
Hydroxyzine, 25 mg / Capsule Novo-Hydroxyzin (Novopharm) 0,00 1,30
Hydroxyzine, 50 mg / Capsule Apo-Hydroxyzine (Apotex) Nd 0,44
Hydroxyzine, 50 mg / Capsule Novo-Hydroxyzin (Novopharm) 0,00 1,25
Ibuprofen, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Advil (Whitehall-Robins) 2,76 Nd
Ibuprofen, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,180 0,215
Ibuprofen, 200 mg / Tablet (sugar coating) Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,256 0,291
Ibuprofen, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,270 0,322
Ibuprofen, 300 mg / Tablet (sugar coating) Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,373 0,425
Ibuprofen, 400 mg / Tablet Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,360 0,429
Ibuprofen, 400 mg / Tablet (suger coating) Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,463 0,532
Ibuprofen, 600 mg / Tablet Novo-Profen (Novopharm) 0,540 0,593
Imipramine, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Pramine (Novopharm) 0,080 0,088
Imipramine, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Pramine (Novopharm) 0,080 0,088
Imipramine, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Pramine (Novopharm) 0,195 0,209
Indapamide, 2,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Indapamide (Novopharm) 0,255 0,260
Indomethacin, 25 mg / Capsule Novo-Methacin / Novo-Methacin SP.C. (Novopharm) 0,887 0,910
Indomethacin, 50 mg / Capsule Novo-Methacin / Novo-Methacin SP.C. (Novopharm) 1,458 1,495
Ioniazid, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-isoniazid (Pharmascience) 0,89 Nd
Isosorbide dinitrate, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Sorbide (Novopharm) 0,160 0,174
Isosorbide dinitrate, 30 mg / Tablet Novo-Sorbide (Novopharm) 0,420 0,442
Itraconazole, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Sporanox (Jansen-Ortho) 0,50 Nd
Ketoconazole, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Nizoral (Jansen-Ortho) 0,25 Nd
Ketotifen, fumarate, 0,2 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-Ketotifen (Apotex) 2,562 Nd
Ketotifen, fumarate, 0,2 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Ketotifen (Novopharm) 3,31 3,31
Ketotifen, fumarate, 1 mg / Tablet Novo-Ketotifen (Novopharm) 0,493 0,499
Ketotifen, fumarate, 0,2 mg/ml / Liquid Zaditen (Novartis Pharma) 2,41 Nd
Lactose (placebo) / Capsule Novo-Plus (Novopharm) 0,720 0,732
Lactulose, 666,7 mg/ml / Liquid Gen-lac (Genpharm) Nd 3,64
Lactulose, 666,7 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-lactulose (Pharmascience) 3,5 Nd
Lamivudine, 10 mg/ml / Liquid 3-TC (Glaxo Wellcome) 1,13 1,27
Lamotrigine, 100 mg / Tablet Lamictal (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,428 Nd
Lamotrigine, 150 mg / Tablet Lamictal (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,644 Nd
Lamotrigine, 25 mg / Tablet Lamictal (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,107 Nd
Lidocaine, 2 % / Liquid Pms-lidocaine viscous (Pharmascience) 0,2 Nd
Lithium, carbonate, 60 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-lithium citrate (Pharmascience) 1,77 Nd
Loperamide, 0,2 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-loperamide (Pharmascience) 2,19 Nd
Loperamide, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Loperamide (Novopharm) 1,353 1,383
Loratadine, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Claritin (Schering) 3,20 Nd
Lorazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Apo-Lorazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,19
Lorazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet (Sublingual) Ativan (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,14
Lorazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Nu-Loraz (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,19
Lorazepam, 0,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Lorazem (Novopharm) 0,049 0,049
Lorazepam, 1 mg / Tablet Novo-Lorazem (Novopharm) 0,098 0,099
Lorazepam, 1,0 mg / Tablet Apo-Lorazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,38
Lorazepam, 1,0 mg / Tablet (Sublingual) Ativan (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,59
Lorazepam, 1,0 mg / Tablet Nu-Loraz (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,38
Lorazepam, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Lorazem (Novopharm) 0,110 0,112
Lorazepam, 2,0 mg / Tablet Apo-Lorazepam (Apotex) Nd 0,47
Lorazepam, 2,0 mg / Tablet (Sublingual) Ativan (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,19
Lorazepam, 2,0 mg / Tablet Nu-Loraz (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,47
Magaldrate, 96 mg/ml / Liquid Riopan (Whitehall-Robins) 0 Nd
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 333
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Magnesium, citrate, 15 g/flacon / Liquid Citro-Mag (Rougier) Nd 1,05
Magnesium, hydroxyde, 80 mg/ml / Liquid Lait de magnesie (Atlas laboratories) 0 Nd
Maprotiline HCl, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Maprotiline (Novopharm) 0,290 0,299
Maprotiline HCl, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Maprotiline (Novopharm) 0,266 0,279
Maprotiline HCl, 75 mg / Tablet Novo-Maprotiline (Novopharm) 0,366 0,384
Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Medrone (Novopharm) 0,428 0,433
Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2,5 mg / Tablet Novo-Medrone (Novopharm) 0,380 0,384
Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Medrone (Novopharm) 0,370 0,374
Meprobamate, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Mepro (Novopharm) 0,084 0,117
Meprobamate, 400 mg / Tablet Novo-Mepro (Novopharm) 0,168 0,235
Methotrimeprazine maleate, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Meprazine (Novopharm) 0,023 0,035
Methotrimeprazine maleate, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Meprazine (Novopharm) 0,104 0,130
Methotrimeprazine, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Nozinan (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) Nd 1,80
Methotrimeprazine, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Nozinan (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) Nd 2,98
Methyldopa, 125 mg / Tablet Novo-Medopa (Novopharm) 0,060 0,074
Methyldopa, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Medopa (Novopharm) 0,119 0,148
Methyldopa, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Medopa (Novopharm) 0,238 0,297
Metoclopramide, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-metoclopramide (Pharmascience) 1,3 Nd
Metoclopramide, chlorhydrate, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Maxeran (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,960 Nd
Metoclopramide, chlorhydrate, 10 mg / Tablet Maxeran (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,361 Nd
Metoclopramide, chlorhydrate, 5 mg / Tablet Maxeran (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,371 Nd
Metoprolol, 100 mg / Tablet coated Novo-Metoprol (Novopharm) 0,601 0,635
Metoprolol, 100 mg / Tablet uncoated Novo-Metoprol Uncoated (Novopharm) 0,601 0,631
Metoprolol, 50 mg / Tablet coated Novo-Metoprol (Novopharm) 0,509 0,531
Metoprolol, 50 mg / Tablet uncoated Novo-Metoprol Uncoated (Novopharm) 0,301 0,340
Metronidazole, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Metronidazole (Apotex) Nd 0,95
Metronidazole, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Nidazole (Novopharm) 0,585 0,620
Metronidazole, 500 mg / Capsule Flagyl (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0,00 Nd
Mexiletine, chlorhydrate, 100 mg / Granules Novo-Mexiletine (Novopharm) 0,192 0,200
Mexiletine, chlorhydrate, 200 mg / Granules Novo-Mexiletine (Novopharm) 0,383 0,401
Mineral oil 78 % sugar free jelly, / Jelly Lansoyl (Jouveinal) Nd 0,27
Mineral oil 78 % jelly, / Jelly Lansoyl (Jouveinal) Nd 0,60
Mineral oil + glycerine, / Liquid Agarol (Warner-Lambert) Nd 0,65
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 100 mg / Capsule Apo-Minocycline (Apotex) Nd 0,56
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 100 mg / Capsule Minocin (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 1,0
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 50 mg / Capsule Apo-Minocycline (Apotex) Nd 0,28
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 50 mg / Capsule Minocin (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 1,0
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Minocyline (Novopharm) 0,608 0,625
Minocycline, chlorhydrate, 50 mg / Capsule Novo-Minocyline (Novopharm) 0,524 0,536
Morphine, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Morphitec-1 (Technilab) Nd 2,23
Morphine, 1 mg/ml / Liquid M.O.S. (ICN) 0,21 Nd
Morphine, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Morphitec-10 (Technilab) Nd 2,23
Morphine, 10 mg/ml / Liquid M.O.S. (ICN) 1,00 Nd
Morphine, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Morphitec-20 (Technilab) Nd 2,23
Morphine, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Morphitec-5 (Technilab) Nd 2,23
Morphine, 5 mg/ml / Liquid M.O.S. (ICN) 1,17 Nd
Nadolol, 160 mg / Tablet Novo-Nadolol (Novopharm) 1,228 1,276
Nadolol, 40 mg / Tablet Novo-Nadolol (Novopharm) 0,307 0,320
Nadolol, 80 mg / Tablet Novo-Nadolol (Novopharm) 0,614 0,639
Naproxen, 125 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox (Novopharm) 0,037 0,061
Naproxen, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Naprosyn (Hoffman-La Roche) 1,16 Nd
Naproxen, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox (Novopharm) 0,075 0,122
Naproxen, 375 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox (Novopharm) 0,112 0,183
Naproxen, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox (Novopharm) 0,149 0,245
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Naproxen, sodium, 275 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox Sodium (Novopharm) 0,077 0,135
Naproxen, sodium, 550 mg / Tablet Novo-Naprox Sodium D.S. (Novopharm) 0,154 0,270
Nitrazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Nitrazadon (ICN) 0,47 Nd
Nitrazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Rho-Nitrazepam (Rhodiapharm) 0,47 Nd
Nitrazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Mogadon (Hoffman-La Roche) 0,70 0,80
Nitrazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Nitrazadon (ICN) 0,233 Nd
Nitrazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Rho-Nitrazepam (Rhodiapharm) 0,233 Nd
Nitrazepam, 5 mg / Tablet Mogadon (Hoffman-La Roche) 0,35 0,40
Nitrofurantoin, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Furan (Novopharm) 0,146 0,172
Nitrofurantoin, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Furan (Novopharm) 2,25 2,27
Nitrofurantoin, 50 mg / Capsule Novo-Furantoin Capsules (Novopharm) 0,037 0,037
Nitrofurantoin, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Furan (Novopharm) 0,073 0,086
Norfloxacin, / Tablet Apo-Norflox (Apotex) 0,044 Nd
Norfloxacin, 400 mg / Tablet Noroxin (Merck Sharp & Dohme) 0,00 Nd
Normethadone + ephedrine, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Cophylac (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,80 Nd
Nystatin, 100 000 u/ml / Liquid Nilstat (Technilab) 3,00
Nystatin, 100 000 u/ml / Liquid Mycostatin (Bristol-Myers Squibb Gr. Pharma) 2,41 Nd
Nystatin, 100 000 u/ml / Liquid Pms-nystatin (Pharmascience) 2,62 Nd
Nystatin, 100 000 UI/ml / Liquid Nadostine (Nadeau Laboratories) Nd 2,60
Nystatin, 100 000 UI/ml / sugar free Liquid Nadostine (Nadeau Laboratories) Nd 0,42
Nystatin, 500 000 UI / Tablet Nadostine (Nadeau Laboratories) Nd 0,43
Nystatin, 500 000 UI / Tablet Mycostatin (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,35 Nd
Ofloxacin, 200 mg / Tablet Apo-Oflox (Apotex) 0,096 Nd
Ofloxacin, 300 mg / Tablet Apo-Oflox (Apotex) 0,15 Nd
Ofloxacin, 400 mg / Tablet Apo-Oflox (Apotex) 0,21 Nd
Orciprenaline, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Alti-orciprenalline (Altimed Pharmaceutical Co.) Nd 0,036
Orciprenaline, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-orciprenaline (Apotex) 1,99 Nd
Oxazepam, 10 mg / Tablet Novoxapam (Novopharm) 0,588 0,613
Oxazepam, 15 mg / Tablet Novoxapam (Novopharm) 0,566 0,584
Oxtriphylline, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Choledyl (Parke-Davis) Nd 3,66
Oxtriphylline, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Triphyl (Novopharm) 0,104 0,170
Oxtriphylline, 20 mg/ml / Liquid Choledyl (Parke-Davis) Nd 2,80
Oxtriphylline, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Triphyl (Novopharm) 0,134 0,220
Oxtriphylline, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Triphyl (Novopharm) 0,136 0,224
Oxybutinin, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-oxybutinin (Apotex) 2,81 Nd
Oxybutinin, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Ditropan (Procter & Gamble) 1,01 Nd
Oxybutinin, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Oxybutinin (Novopharm) 0,601 0,616
Penicilline G, 500 000 U.I. / Tablet Novo-Pen G-500 (Novopharm) 0,104 0,171
Penicillin VK, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-pen VK (Apotex) Nd 0,81
Penicillin VK, 300 mg / Tablet Apo-Pen VK (Apotex) Nd 0,09
Penicillin VK, 500 000 U.I. / Tablet Novo-Pen VK (Novopharm) 0,501 0,573
Penicillin VK, 60 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-pen VK (Apotex) Nd 2,50
Penicillin VK, 60 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Pen VK (Novopharm) 2,028 2,112
Pericyazin, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Neuleptil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) Nd 1,00
Phenobarbital, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Pentobarb (Novopharm) 0,227 0,254
Phenobarbital, 15 mg / Tablet Phenobarbital (Parke-Davis) 0,24 0,24
Phenobarbital, 30 mg / Tablet Phenobarbital (Parke-Davis) 0,33 0,33
Phenobarbital, 5 mg/ml / Liquid Pnenobarbital elixir USP(Stanley Pharmaceuticals) 3,78 Nd
Phenobarbital, 60 mg / Tablet Phenobarbital (Parke-Davis) 0,35 0,35
Phenylbutazone, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Butazone (Novopharm) 0,053 0,060
Phenylephrine HCl – hydrocodone bitartrate – guaifenesin,
4 mg-1 mg-40 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistex DH Expt (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 3,00 Nd
Phenylephrine HCl – hydrocodone bitartrate,
2 mg-0,34 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistine DH (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,38 Nd
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001 335
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Phenylephrine HCl – hydrocodone bitartrate,
4 mg-1 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistex DH (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 2,42 Nd
Phenylephrine HCl – codeine phosphate,
4 mg-3 mg /ml / Liquid Novahistex C (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 2,22 Nd
Phenytoin sodium, 100 mg / Capsule Dilantin (Parke-Davis) 0,48 0,60
Phenytoin sodium, 30 mg / Capsule Dilantin (Parke-Davis) Nd 0,70
Phenytoin, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Dilantin-125 (Parke-Davis) 1,14 Nd
Phenytoin, 50 mg / Tablet Dilantin Infatabs (Parke-Davis) 1,92 Nd
Pindolol, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Pindol (Novopharm) 0,055 0,063
Pindolol, 15 mg / Tablet Novo-Pindol (Novopharm) 0,083 0,094
Pindolol, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Pindol (Novopharm) 0,050 0,056
Piroxicam, 10 mg / Capsule Novo-Pirocam (Novopharm) 1,056 1,086
Piroxicam, 20 mg / Capsule Novo-Pirocam (Novopharm) 1,056 1,086
Pivampicillin, 35 mg/ml / Liquid Pondocillin (Leo Pharma) 1,62 1,62
Pivampicillin, 500 mg / Tablet Pondocillin (Leo Pharma) 0,43 0,43
Pivmecillinam, chlorhydrate, 200 mg / Tablet Selaxid (Leo Pharma) 0,00 Nd
Polyethylene glycol /electrolytes, / Liquid Lyteprep (Therapex) 0,00 Nd
Polyethylen glycol /electrolytes, / Liquid Colyte (Reed & Carnrick) 0,00 Nd
Polyethylen glycol /electrolytes, / Liquid PegLyte (Pharmascience) 0,00 Nd
Polyethylen glycol /electrolytes, / Powder PegLyte (Pharmascience) 0,00 Nd
Polystyrene sulfonate / Liquid Novo-Prazin (Novopharm) 0,202 0,208
Prazocin HCl, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Prazin (Novopharm) 0,253 0,260
Prazocin HCl, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Prazin (Novopharm) 0,471 0,484
Prednisolone, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Pediapred (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 2,26 Nd
Prednisolone, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Prednisolone (Novopharm) 0,262 0,273
Prednisone, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Prednisone (Novopharm) 0,510 0,520
Prednisone, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Prednisone (Novopharm) 0,586 0,606
Primidone, 125 mg / Chewtab Mysoline (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,12
Primidone, 125 mg / Tablet Apo-Primidone (Apotex) Nd 0,17
Primidone, 250 mg / Comrime Mysoline (Wyeth-Ayerst) Nd 0,23
Primidone, 250 mg / Tablet Apo-Primidone (Apotex) Nd 0,34
Prochlorperazine, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Stemetil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 3,18 Nd
Prochlorperazine, 10 mg / Tablet Stemetil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0 Nd
Prochlorperazine, 5 mg / Tablet Stemetil (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0 Nd
Procyclidine, 0,5 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-procyclidine (Pharmascience) 1,16 Nd
Procyclidine, 0,5 mg/ml / Liquid Kemadrin (Glaxo Wellcome) 2,30 Nd
Procyclidine, 5 mg / Tablet Kemadrin (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,47 Nd
Promethazine, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-promethazine (Pharmascience) 1,8 Nd
Propoxyphene, hydrochloride, 65 mg / Capsule Novo-Propoxyn (Novopharm) 0,491 0,504
Propranolol, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Pranol (Novopharm) 0,434 0,451
Propranolol, 120 mg / Tablet Novo-Pranol (Novopharm) 1,196 1,240
Propranolol, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Pranol (Novopharm) 0,352 0,374
Propranolol, 40 mg / Tablet Novo-Pranol (Novopharm) 0,704 0,725
Propranolol, 80 mg / Tablet Novo-Pranol (Novopharm) 0,819 0,861
Prpoxyphen HCl-ASA-caffeine, / Capsule Novo-Propoxyn Compound (Novopharm) 0,371 0,396
Pseudoephedrine, 6 mg/ml / Liquid Balminil Decongestant (Rougier) Nd 1,88
Pseudoephedrine, 6 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-pseudoephedrine (Pharmascience) 3,70 Nd
Psyllium no flavor, / Powder Novo-Mucilax (Novopharm) 1,983/g 1,983/g
Psyllium no sugar, / Powder Novo-Mucilax (Novopharm) 0,000/g 0,000/g
Psyllium orange flavor / Powder Novo-Mucilax (Novopharm) 1,617/g 1,617/g
Psyllium orange, smooth texture / Powder Metamucil (Procter & Gamble) 7,76 /g 7,76 /g
Psyllium (hydrophilic mucilloid for oral suspension)
orange – smooth texture “Sugar free”, / Powder Metamucil (Procter & Gamble) 3,45 /g 3,45 /g
Psyllium no flavor, / Powder Metamucil (Procter & Gamble) 1,98 /g 1,98 /g
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Psyllium no flavor, no sugar, smooth texture, / Powder Metamucil (Procter & Gamble) 3,45 /g 3,45 /g
Psyllium + sene, / Granules Prodiem Plus (Novartis) Nd 0,74/g
Psyllium / Granules Prodiem Simple (Novartis) Nd 0,72/g
Pyrantel pamoate, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Combantrin (Pfizer) 3,24 Nd
Pyridoxine hydrochloride, 25 mg / Tablet Vitamine B6 (Wampole) 0,00 Nd
Pyrvinium pamoate, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Vanquin (Warner-Lambert) Nd 0,90
Quinidine, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Quinidine (Novopharm) 0,127 0,228
Quinine, 200 mg / Capsule Novo-Quinine (Novopharm) 0,428 0,536
Ranitidine, 15 mg/ml / Liquid Zantac (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,80 0,83
Ranitidine, 150 mg / Tablet Novo-Ranidine (Novopharm) 0,00 0,138
Ranitidine, 150 mg / Tablet Zantac (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,01 Nd
Ranitidine, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Ranidine (Novopharm) 0,00 0,276
Ranitidine, 300 mg / Tablet Zantac (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,01 Nd
Reserpine, 0,25 mg / Tablet Novo-Reserpine (Novopharm) 0,607 0,613
Rifampin, 150 mg / Capsule Rifadin (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,091 Nd
Rifampin, 300 mg / Capsule Rifadin (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,181 Nd
Salbutamol, 0,4 mg/ml / Liquid Ventolin (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,03 0,03
Salbutamol, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Salmol (Novopharm) 0,415 0,430
Salbutamol, 4 mg / Tablet Novo-Salmol (Novopharm) 0,829 0,860
Secobarbital sodium, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-Secobarb (Novopharm) 0,385 0,424
Selegiline, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Selegiline (Novopharm) 0,487 0,514
Sennosides, 1,7 mg/ml / Liquid Senokot (Purdue Frederick) Nd 3,04
Sennosides, 15 mg/5 ml (3g) / Granules Senokot (Purdue Frederick) Nd 2,93/g
Sennosides, 8,6 mg / Tablet Senokot (Purdue Frederick) Nd 0,22
Sennosides, 119 mg /dose unit (70ml) / Liquid X-Prep (Purdue Frederick) Nd 212 / 70 ml
Sennosides, 12 mg / Dragee Glysennid (Novartis) Nd 0,36
Sennosides, 12 mg / Tablet Pms-Sennosides (Pharmascience) 0,04 Nd
Sennosides, 15 mg / Chocolate Ex-Lax, chocolate pieces (Novartis) 1,80 Nd
Sennosides, 15 mg / Tablet Ex-Lax, sugar coated tablets (Novartis) 0,74 Nd
Sennosides, 157,5 mg (21g) / Powder X-Prep (Purdue Frederick) Nd 38/sachet
Sennosides, 25 mg / Tablet Ex-Lax extra-strong, sugar coated tablets (Novartis) 0,74 Nd
Sennosides, 8,6 mg / Dragee Glysennid (Novartis) Nd 0,34
Sennosides, 8,6 mg / Tablet Pms-Sennosides (Pharmascience) 0,06 Nd
Simethicone, 40 mg/ml / Liquid Ovol (Carter Horner) Nd 0,30
Sodium citrate + citric acid, 1 meq/ml / Liquid Pms-dicitrate sodium (Pharmascience) 0 Nd
Sodium phosphates, 2,4g monobasic + 0,9g dibasic /5ml / Liquid Fleet Phospho-Soda (Johnson & Jonhson Merck) 0,05 Nd
Sodium phosphates, 2,4g monobasic + 0,9g dibasic /5ml / Liquid Pms-phosphate solution (Pharmascience) 0,2 Nd
Sotalol HCl, 80 mg / Tablet Novo-Stalol (Novopharm) 0,241 0,253
Spiramycine, 250 mg / Capsule Rovamycine (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 0,92 Nd
Spiramycine, 500 mg / Capsule Rovamycine (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 1,84 Nd
Spironolactone / hydrochlorothiazide, 25/25 mg / Tablet Novo-Spirozine (Novopharm) 1,154 1,188
Spironolactone / hydrochlorothiazide, 50/50 mg / Tablet Novo-Spirozine (Novopharm) 2,308 2,377
Spironolactone, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Spiroton (Novopharm) 2,042 2,126
Spironolactone, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Spiroton (Novopharm) 0,895 0,929
Stavudine, 1 mg/ml / Liquid Zerit (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,195 Nd
Stavudine, 15 mg / Capsule Zerit (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,514 Nd
Stavudine, 20 mg / Capsule Zerit (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,772 Nd
Stavudine, 30 mg / Capsule Zerit (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 0,772 Nd
Stavudine, 40 mg / Capsule Zerit (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 1,02 Nd
Sucralfate, 1000 mg / Tablet Sulcrate (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,00 Nd
Sucralfate, 1000 mg / Tablet Novo-Sucralate (Novopharm) 0,144 0,247
Sucralfate, 200 mg/ml / Liquid Sulcrate Suspension Plus (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,04 Nd
Sulfapyridine, 500 mg / Tablet Dagenan (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 2,053 Nd
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Sulfinpyrazone, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Pyrazone (Novopharm) 0,060 0,086
Sulfinpyrazone, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Pyrazone (Novopharm) 0,603 0,629
Sulfisoxazole, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Soxazole (Novopharm) 0,518 0,616
Pms-sodium polystyren sulfonate (Pharmascience) 0,94 Nd
Sulindac, 150 mg / Tablet Novo-Sundac (Novopharm) 0,055 0,094
Sulindac, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Sundac (Novopharm) 0,102 0,126
Temazepam, 15 mg / Capsule Novo-Temazepam (Novopharm) 0,781 0,795
Tenoxicam, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Tenoxicam (Novopharm) 0,635 0,645
Terfenadine, 120 mg / Tablet Seldane (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,732 Nd
Terfenadine, 6 mg/ml / Liquid Seldane (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 1,44 Nd
Terfenadine, 60 mg / Tablet Seldane (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,198 Nd
Terfenadine, 60 mg / Tablet Novo-Terfenadine (Novopharm) 1,453 1,483
Tetracycline, 25 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-Tetra (Novopharm) 1,98 1,98
Tetracycline, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Tetra (Novopharm) 0,163 0,217
Tetracycline, 250 mg / Tablet Novo-Tetra (Novopharm) 0,064 0,110
Tetracycline, chlorhydrate, 250 mg / Capsule Apo-Tetra (Apotex) Nd 0,21
Tetracycline, chlorhydrate, 250 mg / Capsule Nu-Tetra (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,21
Theophylline, 5,33 mg/ml / Liquid Theophylline, elixir (Rougier) Nd 2,82
Theophylline, 5,33 mg/ml / Liquid Theolair (3M Pharmaceutical Products) 2,38 Nd
Theophylline anhydrous, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Theophyl SR (Novopharm) 0,00 0,003
Thioridazine, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Ridazine (Novopharm) 0,194 0,204
Thioridazine, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Ridazine (Novopharm) 0,083 0,117
Thioridazine, 2 mg/ml / Liquid Mellaril suspension (Novartis pharma) 2,27 Nd
Thioridazine, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Ridazine (Novopharm) 0,080 0,106
Thioridazine, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Ridazine (Novopharm) 0,082 0,093
Thioridazine, 30 mg/ml / Liquid Mellaril solution (Novartis pharma) 1,23 Nd
Thioridazine, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Ridazine (Novopharm) 0,103 0,133
Tiaprofenic, acid, 200 mg / Tablet Novo-Tiaprofenic (Novopharm) 0,039 0,061
Tiaprofenic, acid, 300 mg / Tablet Novo-Tiaprofenic (Novopharm) 0,059 0,092
Timolol, maleate, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Timol (Novopharm) 0,213 0,228
Timolol, maleate, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Timol (Novopharm) 0,427 0,456
Timolol, maleate, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Timol (Novopharm) 0,107 0,114
Tolbutamide, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Butamide SP.C. (Novopharm) 0,527 0,615
Tolbutamide, 500 mg / Tablet Novo-Butamide (Novopharm) 0,532 0,613
Tolmetine sodic, 400 mg / Capsule Novo-Tolmetin (Novopharm) 0,303 0,329
Topiramate, 100 mg / Tablet Topamax (Jansen-Ortho) 0,642 Nd
Topiramate, 200 mg / Tablet Topamax (Jansen-Ortho) 0,350 Nd
Topiramate, 25 mg / Tablet Topamax (Jansen-Ortho) 0,161 Nd
Trazadone, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Trazadone (Novopharm) 0,604 0,638
Trazadone, 150 mg / Tablet Novo-Trazadone (Novopharm) 0,147 0,163
Trazadone, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Trazadone (Novopharm) 0,301 0,318
Triamterene / Hydrochlorothiazide, 50/25 mg / Tablet Novo-Triamzide (Novopharm) 0,060 0,091
Triazolam, 0,125 mg / Tablet Novo-Triolam (Novopharm) 0,312 0,320
Triazolam, 0,25 mg / Tablet Novo-Triolam (Novopharm) 0,310 0,319
Trifluoperazine, 1 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurazine (Novopharm) 0,267 0,278
Trifluoperazine, 10 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurazine (Novopharm) 0,520 0,542
Trifluoperazine, 10 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-trifluoperazine (Pharmascience) 2,6 Nd
Trifluoperazine, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurazine (Novopharm) 0,387 0,403
Trifluoperazine, 20 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurazine (Novopharm) 0,523 0,545
Trifluoperazine, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Flurazine (Novopharm) 0,430 0,447
Trihexyphenidyle, 0,4 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-trihexyphenidyle (Pharmascience) 2,02 Nd
Trihexyphenidyle, 2 mg / Tablet Novo-Hexidyl (Novopharm) 0,056 0,076
Trihexyphenidyle, 5 mg / Tablet Novo-Hexidyl (Novopharm) 0,115 0,155
Trimeprazin, 0,5 mg/ml / Liquid Panectyl 2.5 (Rhône-Poulenc Rorer) 3,22 Nd
Drug, concentration and presentation Commercial name and company Caloric content* Caloric content*
– CH§ (Kcal) – Total (Kcal)
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 160/800 mg / Tablet Apo-sulfatrim DS (Apotex) Nd 0,30
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 160/800 mg / Tablet Bactrim Roche (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,40
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 160/800 mg / Tablet Nu-Cotrimox (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,30
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 160/800 mg / Tablet Septra DS (Glaxo Wellcome) Nd 0,08
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 160/800 mg / Tablet Novo-Trimel (Novopharm) 0,325 0,470
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 20/100 mg / Tablet ped. Apo-sulfatrim (Apotex) Nd 0,04
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 8/40 mg/ml / Liquid Apo-sulfatrim (Apotex) Nd 2,47
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 8/40 mg/ml / Liquid Nu-Cotrimox (Nu-Pharm) Nd 2,47
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 8/40 mg/ml / Liquid Septra (Glaxo Wellcome) Nd 2,60
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 8/40 mg/ml / Liquid Novo-trimel (Novopharm) 0,011 0,011
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 8/40 mg/ml / Liquid Bactrim Roche (Hoffman-La Roche) 1,81 2,42
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 80/400 mg / Tablet Apo-sulfatrim (Apotex) Nd 0,15
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 80/400 mg / Tablet Bactrim Roche (Hoffman-La Roche) Nd 0,20
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 80/400 mg / Tablet Nu-Cotrimox (Nu-Pharm) Nd 0,15
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 80/400 mg / Tablet Septra (Glaxo Wellcome) Nd 0,04
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 80/400 mg / Tablet Novo-Trimel (Novopharm) 0,163 0,235
Trimethoprim, 100 mg / Tablet Proloprim (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,52 Nd
Trimethoprim, 200 mg / Tablet Proloprim (Glaxo Wellcome) 0,12 Nd
Trimipramine, maleate, 100 mg / Tablet Novo-Tripramine (Novopharm) 0,046 0,067
Trimipramine, maleate, 25 mg / Tablet Novo-Tripramine (Novopharm) 0,012 0,017
Trimipramine, maleate, 50 mg / Tablet Novo-Tripramine (Novopharm) 0,023 0,033
Trovafloxacin, 100 mg / Tablet Trovan (Pfizer) 0,388 Nd
Trovafloxacin, 200 mg / Tablet Trovan (Pfizer) 0,780 Nd
Valproic acid, 250 mg / Capsule Depakene (Abbott Laboratories) 0,00 Nd
Valproic acid, 250 mg / Capsule Pms-Valproic Acid (Pharmascience) 0,71 Nd
Valproic acid, 250 mg / Capsule Novo-Valproic (Novopharm) 0,90 Nd
Valproic acid, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Alti-Valproic (AltiMed Pharmaceutical Company) Nd 3,54
Valproic acid, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Pms-Valproic Acid (Pharmascience) 2,8 Nd
Valproic acid, 500 mg / Capsule Depakene (Abbot) 0,00 Nd
Valproic acid, 500 mg / Capsule Pms-Valproic Acid E.C. (Pharmascience) 0,00 Nd
Valproic acid, 500 mg / Capsule Pms-Valproic Acid (Pharmascience) 0,71 Nd
Valproic acid, 500 mg / Capsule Novo-Valproic (Novopharm) 0,88 Nd
Valproic acid, 50 mg/ml / Liquid Depakene (Abbott Laboratories) 2,97 3,54
Verapamil, 120 mg / Tablet Novo-Veramil (Novopharm) 0,083 0,096
Verapamil, 80 mg / Tablet Novo-Veramil (Novopharm) 0,055 0,064
Vigabatrin, 500 mg / Tablet Sabril (Hoechst Marion Roussel) 0,056 0,579
Vitamine a b c d, / Liquid Infantol drops (Carter Horner) Nd 2,8
Vitamine a b c d, / Liquid Infantol liquid (Carter Horner) Nd 1,16
Vitamine a b c d, / Liquid Polyvisol (Mead Johnson) 3,40 Nd
Vitamine a c d, / Liquid Tri-vi-sol (Mead Johnson) 2,20 Nd
Vitamine a c d + fluor, / Liquid Tri-vi-flor (Mead Johnson) 2,20 Nd
Vitamine a c d + fluor, / Liquid Tri-vi-sol with fluor (Mead Johnson) 2,20 Nd
Vitamine d, 400 u/ml / Liquid D-vi-sol 400 u/0.6 ml (Mead Johnson) 2,20 Nd
Vitamine e, 50 u/ml / Liquid Aquasol e (Novartis) 1,52 Nd
Vitamine e, 100 UI / Capsule Aquasol e (Novartis) 1,44 Nd
Vitamine e, 400 UI / Capsule Vitamine E (Santé NaturelleTM Adrien Gagnon) 0,29 Nd
Vitamines, multi-, / Capsule Fortamines-10 Capsule (Rougier) 0,36 Nd
Vitamines, multi-, / Tablet Fortamines-10 (Rougier) 0,36 Nd
Vitamines, multi-, / Tablet Maxi-10 (Rougier) 0,36 Nd
Zidovudine, 100 mg / Capsule Novo-AZT (Novopharm) 0,060 0,074
* The caloric content indicated is for one ml, one tablet or one capsule unless otherwise indicated. CH§ = carbohydrate.
Nd = No data. When no data is available for caloric content provided by carbohydrates, we suggest the use of total caloric content.
Volume 28, No. 4 – November 2001
Table 2: Worst case scenario study data
Medication* Formulation Active Weight (g) Excipient Caloric Caloric Difference
ingredient (mg) weight (g) content, content (kCal) (kCal)
estimated (kCal)
Biaxin Tablet 250 0,5196 0,2696 1,0784 0,210 0,868
Cipro Tablet 250 0,3805 0,1305 0,522 0,171 0,351
Épival Tablet 250 0,4975 0,2475 0,99 0,170 0,820
Lamictal Tablet 25 0,0802 0,0552 0,2208 0,107 0,114
Novamoxin Capsule 250 0,3824 0,1324 0,5296 0,082 0,448
Novamoxin Capsule 500 0,7052 0,2052 0,8208 0,164 0,657
Novo-Carbamaz Tablet 200 0,2568 0,0568 0,2272 0,031 0,196
Novo-Chlorocap Capsule 250 0,5557 0,3057 1,2228 0,863 0,360
Novo-Chloroquine Tablet 250 0,7868 0,5368 2,1472 0,824 1,323
Novo-Chlorpromazine Tablet 100 0,3922 0,2922 1,1688 0,216 0,953
Novo-Cloxin Capsule 250 0,3884 0,1384 0,5536 0,139 0,415
Novo-Cloxin Capsule 500 0,6628 0,1628 0,6512 0,000 0,651
Novo-Dipiradol Tablet 50 0,1844 0,1344 0,5376 0,044 0,494
Novo-Doxepin Capsule 25 0,1987 0,1737 0,6948 0,428 0,267
Novo-Doxylin Capsule 100 0,3478 0,2478 0,9912 0,022 0,969
Novo-Furan Tablet 50 0,1784 0,1284 0,5136 0,073 0,441
Novo-Hydrazide Tablet 25 0,1047 0,0797 0,3188 0,238 0,081
Novo-Hydroxyzin Soft Gelatin 10 0,229 0,219 0,876 0,000 0,876
Novo-Hylazin Tablet 25 0,1522 0,1272 0,5088 0,182 0,327
Novo-Lexin Tablet 250 0,3622 0,1122 0,4488 0,075 0,374
Novo-Methacin Capsule 25 0,299 0,274 1,096 0,887 0,209
Novo-Naprox Tablet 250 0,3695 0,1195 0,478 0,075 0,403
Novo-Nidazol Tablet 250 0,5395 0,2895 1,158 0,585 0,573
Novo-Peridol Tablet 2 0,1258 0,1238 0,4952 0,025 0,470
Novo-Pheniram Tablet 4 0,2198 0,2158 0,8632 0,032 0,831
Novo-Pirocam Capsule 10 0,3959 0,3859 1,5436 1,056 0,488
Novo-Pranol Tablet 10 0,1345 0,1245 0,498 0,434 0,064
Novo-Prednisone Tablet 50 0,218 0,168 0,672 0,586 0,086
Novo-Purol Tablet 100 0,2989 0,1989 0,7956 0,458 0,338
Novo-Rythro estolate Capsule 250 0,5589 0,3089 1,2356 0,266 0,970
Novo-Semide Tablet 40 0,1648 0,1248 0,4992 0,360 0,139
Novo-Spiroton Tablet 25 0,262 0,237 0,948 0,895 0,053
Novo-Spiroton Tablet 100 0,6475 0,5475 2,19 2,042 0,148
Novo-Sucralate Tablet 1000 1,19 0,19 0,76 0,144 0,616
Novo-Tetra Capsule 250 0,3566 0,1066 0,4264 0,163 0,263
Novo-Trimel Tablet 480 0,5284 0,0484 0,1936 0,163 0,031
Novo-Triptyn Tablet 50 0,239 0,189 0,756 0,082 0,674
Novo-Veramil Tablet 80 0,2808 0,2008 0,8032 0,055 0,748
Novo-Zolamide Tablet 250 0,4977 0,2477 0,9908 0,100 0,891
Phenobarbital (Parke-Davis) Tablet 15 0,081 0,066 0,264 0,240 0,024
Phenobarbital (Parke-Davis) Tablet 30 0,1207 0,0907 0,3628 0,330 0,033
Pms-docusate sodium Capsule 100 0,4355 0,3355 1,342 0,510 0,832
Rifadin Soft Gelatin 300 0,4244 0,1244 0,4976 0,181 0,317
Sabril Tablet 500 0,6789 0,1789 0,7156 0,056 0,660
Stemetil Tablet 5 0,0822 0,0772 0,3088 0,000 0,309
Vitamine e (Adrien Gagnon) Capsule 294 0,5862 0,2922 1,1688 0,290 0,879
* Trade names.